Sunday, October 16, 2016

I don't normally buy into affiliate marketing by any extreme. Usually, I just find it difficult to pass this one up. If you have a website and you want to get it to rank, or if you need SEO rich content that has been written professionally and quickly, this site is the place for you. They have all kinds of services available, from backlinks to page ranking, PBNs to domain purchasing, there is nothing you can't find when you come to MarketSource for all of your website's needs.
I actually came across this site completely by accident one day while I was working on an article for another website. I was so impressed by the platform I decided that they needed their own post on my own blog. You know the website Fiver? Think of SourceMarket like the Fiver of website oriented services. They are an excellent alternative to having to try to come up with solutions entirely on your own, especially if you aren't entirely sure what your site needs at that point. Yes another service you can pay for on SourceMarket!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

i know they say that to be a sucessful blogger they first key is to never stop posting entries into your blog. iof that is what defines a person as successful,well, then i am already screwed. I often go months without posting anything at all. i also go that long without ever getting on the interwebz though too. i know, hard to belive in the connected age we live in. but there aretimes when i literally just put my devices down and walk away fro a little while. it seems almost suicidal financially when you look realstically at the fact that i make my living from working online. i have however, no matter weather i log or get on the internet, have successfully been buiilding momentum in my online career of freelancing my life into a better existance. using various platforms, i am almost able to make enough in a month to pay my fucking rent. and it has only tkaen me 3 years, living under a bridge, going hungry and basically living a very shitty existance of a life. But, they want to keep me down? no way, not haening. almost tot he rent! the first in many of my accomplished goals i intend to make happen entirely online. why? because to work in the real world means that there is a 100% chance of people out there and i quite frankly dont like when it is too peopley out. social anxiety be damned though, i will work, even if i have to starve to work. No one will be able to stop me from making the most horrible pay that any human could ask for! sadly, yes, i could make more at Mc.Donalds but i refuse to give up on my dream of writing for a living, not writing for a cardboard box. i will make it happen. First i should probably clean up the way that i write, learn to use grammar, ect. it could happen though, one day.